Always In Your Corner
“Children are not a distraction from more important work.
They ARE the most important work.”
— Dr. John Trainer
James with his Dad, Attorney Kevin Mahan
Attending the US Naval Academy
Boxing on the Cambridge University Team
The Surrogate’s Corner – Advocates for Surrogates & Donors
– 1978, A Legal Family Legacy Begins
James grew up surrounded by ART Law; his parents’ law firm was one of the early players in California’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) community. Their representation of the Buzzanca’s in their surrogacy contract ultimately led to one of the seminal cases in California’s jurisprudence governing surrogacy arrangements.
– 2001, 9/11 Changes the Course
After the 9/11 attacks, James decided to transfer from USC, with only one semester of credits left to graduate, and attend the US Naval Academy. The Naval Academy was truly a transformative experience. One of the extraordinary students he met there would turn out to be his partner for life, his wife Michelle.
– 2008, Varsity Blues
James attends graduate school at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and began boxing for the Cambridge University team where be earned his Varsity Blue. His experience boxing and practicing in the ring became a metaphor and the cornerstone for his law firm, The Surrogate’s Corner.
– 2018, The Surrogate’s Corner is Born
ART Law became the focus of James’ law career, and after graduating law school from Stanford in 2018, he earned licensure in AZ, CA, D.C., ID, MD, MT, NV, OR, WA, & WY, and began taking over the day-today operations for Mahan & Mahan‘s ART practice. His work with Surrogate’s led to a deep desire to advocate for Gestational Surrogates, and The Surrogate’s Corner was born.
How are we IN YOUR CORNER?
Our commitment is to provide sound, practical legal guidance to Surrogates & Donors throughout their surrogacy, gamete and embryo donation journeys. We are in awe of the sacrifice that Surrogates & Donors make to help others realize their dreams of a family. Our focus and our promise is, above all else, to be your guide and advocate.
Gestational Carriers
Acting as a Surrogate is a selfless and deeply personal decision to make. The women who choose to give this gift to a family are heroes in our book. The legal components of the process can be daunting and complex. Our role is to be in your corner to represent your best interests in contractual agreements and unforeseen situations that arise along the way.
We work with professional Surrogacy Agencies from all over the United States to take advantage of the legal possibilities of becoming parents through surrogacy. We are happy to go through and explain any agency documentation you are asked to sign so you are knowledgeable about what you are signing and comfortable with the agency you are choosing to work with.
Egg & Sperm Donors
Gamete donation, including sperm and egg, are commonplace factors in many family building situations; thousands of families would not be possible without the contribution of egg and sperm donors. Understanding your role and rights as a Donor is crucial to a successful and fulfilling journey. We are in your corner to guide you along the way.
Embryo Donation
Today there are nearly half a million frozen embryos created by IVF in the United States; Embryo Donation is becoming an increasingly popular choice for individuals and couple wishing to create their families. We celebrate the altruistic decision to donate your embryos to make families complete and we are in your corner to help navigate the contractual details of this unique situation.
Parentage Orders
Depending on where you reside and the location of the Intended Parents and the IVF clinic, the legal requirements for establishing parentage vary greatly. We are in your corner with licenses in ten states and have years of experience in easing this process and your mind.

“My experience working with Surrogates has always been meaningful and insightful. I began to hear and take notice of anecdotal stories from Surrogates who felt like they were on their own when it came to disagreements over the legal aspects of the surrogacy process, and especially so after their initial surrogacy contracts were signed. I decided I wanted to do something to change that.”
~James Mahan, The Surrogate’s Corner
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